Certifications and Approvals

The GFRG BACE Swift Build system has undergone rigorous testing before the buildings swiftly arose across the Global Landscape. The system has been tested by Laboratories, Universities and Governmental bodies in India, Australia, China and the Middle East. Millions of sq. feet of these buildings have been safely and swiftly built.

Accreditations and Approvals

Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai

Technology extensively tested and adapted by the Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai for all construction parameters. This technology has been used by them for buildings new IIT campuses.

Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council

Technology approved by Building Material and Technology Promotion Council under Ministry of Housing.

US Green Building Council(USGBC)

Technology approval by US Green Building Council(USGBC).

Ministry of Housing Development, Government of India

Has tested and identified this as the apt technology for large scale construction and mass housing. The Ministry has instructed Government agencies to adopt this system and has issued a publication highlighting the effectiveness and desirability of this system.

Structural Engineering Research Centre (CSIR_SERC)

Technology tested and approved by Structural Engineering Research Centre (CSIR_SERC) certifying use of GFRG panel in the construction of building in earthquake prone area.

Coimbatore Institute of Technology (CIT):

Continuous Research and Evolution of Our GFRG System in a Techncal Research & Development Partnership with Coimbatore Institute of Technology.

Australian Certification:

Technology extensively tested and certified by Adelaide University and University of South Australia.

Chinese Certification:

In China testing has been undertaken by the University of Hong Kong and the University of Tianjin, School of Civil Engineering in Shandong and others.

At the School of Civil Engineering in Shandong, scientific destruction testing was undertaken on a full scale, five floor GFRG building where a horizontal force of 100 tonnes, simulating a force of 8 on the Richter scale was applied. The building withstood this testing without any visible signs of cracking.